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We invite abstract submissions for long oral, rapid-fire, and poster presentations at the Screening Conference 2025.

The 2025 Conference theme will be 'Population Screening for Chronic Disease – Maximising Benefits, Minimising Harms’

Abstract submissions close Wednesday 23 October 2024 at 11:59pm AEDT
Abstract Submission

We welcome submission of abstracts for presentations relevant to one of the Conference sub-themes. Presentations on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health are particularly welcome.

All abstracts are to be submitted electronically using the online facility on the conference website. Select the Abstract Submission button at the bottom of this page and follow the prompts.

All presenters must register at the time of receiving their abstract acceptance and pay the Conference registration fee.

Abstract Requirements
  • A maximum of two (2) abstracts may be submitted per presenting author.

  • All abstracts must be in original work and submitted in English and have a 300-word maximum.

  • ​​We welcome submission of abstracts for presentations relevant to one or more of the Conference sub-themes. Presentations on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health are particularly welcome.

  • Abstracts submitted for presentation will be published exactly as received and should be checked for spelling and grammar prior to submission.

  • It is the submitting author’s responsibility to ensure that the abstract uploaded to the server is the correct version.

  • If there is more than one presenter, all correspondence will be sent to the person whose name and email address is entered with the abstract.

  • All presenters must register at the time of receiving their abstract acceptance and pay the Conference registration fee

We encourage presentations on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health to be presented or co-presented with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person. We also encourage abstracts submitted to note if authors identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

Presenters of research focusing on particular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are to provide with their abstract an additional paragraph outlining whether the relevant community/ies have provided permission to publicise the research findings. An additional 50-word paragraph is permitted in addition to the 300-word maximum.

Conference Sub-themes

Abstract submission topics, including: 

  • Progress and lessons from established population (cancer) screening programmes

  • Looking ahead - Exploring future opportunities and new technologies for population and targeted screening? (including but not limited to diabetes, CVD, CKD, MAFLD and opportunities for integration)

  • People first: Recruitment, targeted screening, under screened and priority populations  

  • Risk minimisation: Ethics, consent, conflicts (of interest), costs and unintended consequences

  • Data quality and insights to inform policy 

  • Program Implementation

  • Reporting progress: Data in progress towards potential screening programs, screening efficacy, cost effectiveness, total program costs

Conference Objectives

The objectives of the conference are to:

  • Learn from community-led projects to improve equity of access and culturally safe screening practices across screening programs.

  • Highlight key current and future advances in population screening and identify how evidence might be gathered to support implementation so as to improve outcomes.

  • Explore mechanisms to better assess emerging evidence allowing a policy response that achieves best possible health outcomes within resource constraints.

Target Audience

The target audience are current and future leaders in population screening coming from a range of sectors including:

  • Research

  • Civil society

  • Government

  • Program delivery

  • Policy

  • Consumers

  • Clinicians

Presentation Types (Face-to-face and Pre-recorded options available)

Long Oral Presentation:

Presenters have a total of 10 minutes to present. Abstract submitted must have clear learning objectives and outcomes. Please note, places are limited.

Rapid-Fire Presentation:

Presenters have a total of 6 minutes presentation time using up to 6 PowerPoint slides. The title slide, conflict of interest, and reference slide are not included in your 6-slide limit. There may be time at the conclusion of the session for audience questions.


Poster Display:

Presenters will provide a one-page A0-sized physical copy of their poster for display at the conference.


Whilst every effort will be made to accept an abstract for the nominated presentation format, the Scientific Advisory Committee reserves the right to allocate a different presentation type if appropriate.

Abstract submissions close Wednesday 23 October 2024 at 11:59pm AEDT

More Information

For further information contact the PHAA Events Team on:


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